Film Music: for our contrast video edit we decided to add in a form of non-diegetic sound that would highlight the difference in the personalities being portrayed, by adding an active, upbeat tune such as the one heard in the ride we were able to achieve this. We added the music to every clip in which Madison was being 'hyperactive' to convey the contrast between herself and me when I was sleeping. In the last clip we mashed both sounds together so that the viewer could see how drastically different the personalities are side by side.Postsynchronization Dubbing: we also decided to add sound which was not in the original take, we added the sound of crickets, which is traditionally used to signify silence, to really give the effect of my laziness. In comparison with music from Madison's clips, the viewer now sees the opposite. This is because both sounds give off different vibes, one is happy and upbeat while the other is boring and lazy.
Offscreen Sound: during this clip we decided to add offscreen noises as a form of diegetic sound, we added a bell ringing during the beginning and then the chattering of students that were assumed to be in the courtyard. These sounds were added as a way to set the scene and give the viewer a sense of where the subjects were. Because the scene takes place at a school and we can hear the faint noise of students talking the sound we added allows the viewer too recall similar situations they might've witnessed at their school. These sounds paired with the video can bring about nostalgia or annoyance within the audience.
Nonsimultaineous Sound: we added this type of sound to this clip in order to signify that the Trojan head stood for something that the viewer hadn't necessarily seen yet. Trojans are often associated with wars or fighting so by adding the sound of a battle cry that might've taken place earlier allowed the audience to make a connecting between the symbol we were using and previous events we were alluding to.
Film Music: in the second part of our video we decide to also add a sort of heroic song which happened to be the theme song from "Game of Thrones." This coupled with the battle cry in the previous clip made it clear to the reader that there had been a victory.By using both of these sounds after the other coupled with the symbol of the Trojan head and the meaning the statue help we were able to make the audience make connections and infer exactly what we wanted them to.
Postsynchronization Dubbing: since the airplane shown in this clip is obviously not real we had to add a realistic sound effect after filming to acquire the desired result. By adding this sound we were able to create an 'in the moment' effect and it made you feel as if you were there also hearing it fly over your head. By allowing the sound to continue throughout both of the clips the viewer was able to gain the understanding that both events (although in separate locations) occurred during the same time. The sound makes the relation between the two clips more clear, we are able to understand that the subject in the second part is actually waving up at the plane passing overhead.
Voice Over: we added this sound in order to make the reiteration of a theme more clear in our video, from the beginning you can tell that the subject (me) is angry due to my expressions and actions. But by adding a voice over and revealing to the viewer what I was thinking, the audience gets a more clear understanding of what is going on and what the situation is. We use the same technique when we first show Madison reading a pamphlet. By being able to hear her thoughts we were able to show that she was innocently minding her business and that she in no way warranted the violent actions taken by me. Every time I stomp over or the audience hears my thoughts they know that I will probably lash out.
Sound Bridge: in order to make the video less serious we used John Cena's catchphrase in order to both allude to the similarity between my violence and the fighting from WWE but also develop the reiteration of a theme. Whenever this sound was played you knew I was about to hit someone. By using this sound in the form of a sound bridge going over some clips we were able to connect the chaotic mood we were trying to convey and tie both clips together through their similarities.