Sunday, March 8, 2020

Film Opening First Draft Link

Editing Process (PART 2)

We are nearing the end of our editing journey. We added music to the opening scenes as well as to the title screen. We also decided to add some subheadings to show where we were in each particular scene. We also embedded the voice over to our flashback scene and added some effects to help the audio flow and not seem at awkward. Here is a picture of one of the scenes with the background applied to the green screen.

The font we chose along with the effects we added seemed to efficiently capture the mysterious element we were trying to convey. All we really need to do now is tie up some loose ends and upload our video to youtube!

Editing Process (PART 1)

We started our editing process this week. We practiced adjusting the pigmentation of our green screen on Premiere Pro and also learned how to cut and adjust the clips and transitions according to how we wanted it to flow. The picture below depicts me adding the correct backgrounds to our scenes and organizing our footage accordingly.

We recorded the voice over we will be using for our flashback scene and decided to focus on putting the clips together and rearrange them accordingly this week. We worked on adding different transitions and cuts to help with the dynamics of the film. Madison and I agreed to work of the audio aspect of our opening next week so that we could do everything accurately and efficiently. We decided to title our film "Law and Disorder" due to the fact that it will be focused on mystery but also add some comedic aspects. The following is a picture of Madison editing one of the scenes.

Filming Process (PART 2)

We started filming with the green screen this week, it was a little confusing but with the help of our teacher and perseverance we started to figure it out. Unfortunately we didn't realize at first what a key role lighting plays with that sort of background so we had to readjust and re-shoot the scene a couple times. We ultimately decided to also shoot the interrogation scene on the green screen because it would help with creating the right mood we were going for and to also make it easier for ourselves.

We tried to incorporate different shots and camera angles into both of these scenes. We were also able to create a crime scene and film the shot we would use for the flashback. We tried finding a place at the school that didn't give away that we were on campus so we decided to set up the scene behind a garden at our school. I think it turned out really well!

We also made some adjustments t our script to make it as clear to the audience as possible and to also hopefully help the scenes run a lot smoother.

Filming Process (PART 1)

We decided to start by thinking of places we wanted to film each of our scenes. In order to introduce some originality we thought it would be a good idea to film at least one of scenes in front of the green screen in our teacher's classroom. Since we didn't have any particular way to mimic an office setting we decided to film any scenes in the office there. We looked through several backgrounds that could convey the theme we were going for and finally settled on the one below.

Madison and I practiced some of the scenes and got a general idea of how we would like the room to be set up. We also filmed one of the scenes this week but it didn't come out as we'd hope so we are most likely going to re-shoot it next week.

In regards to the other scenes in our opening, we thought it would be best to use real locations so as to expand on the different techniques used during our filming process. So the interrogation scene will be shot in an area of our classroom that looks the most plain so that we can recreate the cold, tough vibe that is associated with this sort of scene. We also thought it would be a good idea to recreate a crime scene for the flashback scene in order to use our creativity and also to make the process more fun. We mostly struggled trying to find the correct background for the green screen and also the set up of the props we wanted in the scene. We think that our video is starting to shape up and I am excited to see it when it's all put together.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Preparing to Film!

Actors: There will be three primary actors. Madison Craumer, Zoe Orgass, and myself (Astrid Nova). Madison and I will be playing detectives while Zoe will be playing the suspect.

Costumes: Madison and I want the costumes to consist of business casual attire. The film is set in the present so there's not a specific era we are trying to recreate but we want the detectives to look professional so the audience can differentiate from us from the suspect. We will probably wear trench coats or a pantsuit jackets which is the stereotypical attire for detectives in mystery films.

Props: Some props we are considering including are place cards for the evidence in the crime scene, the murder weapon, a case file for the suspect, and an evidence board.

Locations: We will most likely be filming mainly at our school. It has a lot of the setting we prefer and it will be more convenient for us. We will be using grey chairs and tables with white walls to keep the setting monotone. Giving the film a cold aura will most likely add to the mystery we will try to recreate.

Dates & Times: We will mostly begin filming on February 5th around 7 AM.

Scripts: The script will include quite a bit of dialogue between the detectives and the suspect during the interrogation scene. We will also most likely have a voice over for the crime scene so we would need to include dialogue for that.

Film Equipment: We will be using Madison's iPhone 11 to film our film opening.

Creative Critical Reflection

Here is my link to my CCR, thank you for following me on this journey! Astrid's Creative Critical Response