Saturday, April 11, 2020

Movie Opener Final Draft: Law and Disorder

NOTE: We wanted to change the quality of the video so that we could make it clearer and not as blurry as well as make some other changes but due to school closure because of COVID-19 we weren't able to do so because we didn't have access to the resources and materials we needed, thanks for understanding.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Peer Reviews

     The reviews all focused on the same aspects of our overall video. The comments mostly mentioned praises of the background music used, editing techniques, and one particular camera shot of Zoe's eyes which two people said that helped portray her character's feeling of nervousness. The reviews mentioned how the music we used fit well into all the scenes and helped create a sense of suspense which helped to showcase the genre of mystery we were going for. The editing techniques mentioned included transitions and font for the text used as well as the green screen used to input a preferred background. Some things our peers seemed to be confused about was who the character 'Santos' was, we didn't find this confusion very alarming because only two people seemed to be confused and the only reason they might've been was because they didn't read the opening credits where we state who is playing 'Santos.' Almost everyone else said there was no confusion and that our film opening was very clear on what the plot was. One person was confused on who the killer actually was, maybe the cues we dropped towards the end weren't obvious enough, but I think maybe they just didn't pay enough attention. We added the clip of Zoe's eyes to show she was nervous because we correctly accused her of the crime, but I can see why it would be confusing for the viewer since we had her try to explain it away and had the detectives believe her. But the point of this was to show we were bad detectives because clearly she had done it. We might add something to make this revelation more clear as we move forward but for now Madison and I agreed it wasn't really necessary. Some significant suggestions we got was to somehow make the video quality better so the video wasn't as blurry and so that the evidence board scene would be more comprehensible. Madison and I agree with that suggestion and are gonna look into ways of fixing that because we do think the film opening would be better is the quality was fixed. We will work with our teacher moving forward to resolve that issue and better our opening. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Film Opening First Draft Link

Editing Process (PART 2)

We are nearing the end of our editing journey. We added music to the opening scenes as well as to the title screen. We also decided to add some subheadings to show where we were in each particular scene. We also embedded the voice over to our flashback scene and added some effects to help the audio flow and not seem at awkward. Here is a picture of one of the scenes with the background applied to the green screen.

The font we chose along with the effects we added seemed to efficiently capture the mysterious element we were trying to convey. All we really need to do now is tie up some loose ends and upload our video to youtube!

Editing Process (PART 1)

We started our editing process this week. We practiced adjusting the pigmentation of our green screen on Premiere Pro and also learned how to cut and adjust the clips and transitions according to how we wanted it to flow. The picture below depicts me adding the correct backgrounds to our scenes and organizing our footage accordingly.

We recorded the voice over we will be using for our flashback scene and decided to focus on putting the clips together and rearrange them accordingly this week. We worked on adding different transitions and cuts to help with the dynamics of the film. Madison and I agreed to work of the audio aspect of our opening next week so that we could do everything accurately and efficiently. We decided to title our film "Law and Disorder" due to the fact that it will be focused on mystery but also add some comedic aspects. The following is a picture of Madison editing one of the scenes.

Filming Process (PART 2)

We started filming with the green screen this week, it was a little confusing but with the help of our teacher and perseverance we started to figure it out. Unfortunately we didn't realize at first what a key role lighting plays with that sort of background so we had to readjust and re-shoot the scene a couple times. We ultimately decided to also shoot the interrogation scene on the green screen because it would help with creating the right mood we were going for and to also make it easier for ourselves.

We tried to incorporate different shots and camera angles into both of these scenes. We were also able to create a crime scene and film the shot we would use for the flashback. We tried finding a place at the school that didn't give away that we were on campus so we decided to set up the scene behind a garden at our school. I think it turned out really well!

We also made some adjustments t our script to make it as clear to the audience as possible and to also hopefully help the scenes run a lot smoother.

Filming Process (PART 1)

We decided to start by thinking of places we wanted to film each of our scenes. In order to introduce some originality we thought it would be a good idea to film at least one of scenes in front of the green screen in our teacher's classroom. Since we didn't have any particular way to mimic an office setting we decided to film any scenes in the office there. We looked through several backgrounds that could convey the theme we were going for and finally settled on the one below.

Madison and I practiced some of the scenes and got a general idea of how we would like the room to be set up. We also filmed one of the scenes this week but it didn't come out as we'd hope so we are most likely going to re-shoot it next week.

In regards to the other scenes in our opening, we thought it would be best to use real locations so as to expand on the different techniques used during our filming process. So the interrogation scene will be shot in an area of our classroom that looks the most plain so that we can recreate the cold, tough vibe that is associated with this sort of scene. We also thought it would be a good idea to recreate a crime scene for the flashback scene in order to use our creativity and also to make the process more fun. We mostly struggled trying to find the correct background for the green screen and also the set up of the props we wanted in the scene. We think that our video is starting to shape up and I am excited to see it when it's all put together.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Preparing to Film!

Actors: There will be three primary actors. Madison Craumer, Zoe Orgass, and myself (Astrid Nova). Madison and I will be playing detectives while Zoe will be playing the suspect.

Costumes: Madison and I want the costumes to consist of business casual attire. The film is set in the present so there's not a specific era we are trying to recreate but we want the detectives to look professional so the audience can differentiate from us from the suspect. We will probably wear trench coats or a pantsuit jackets which is the stereotypical attire for detectives in mystery films.

Props: Some props we are considering including are place cards for the evidence in the crime scene, the murder weapon, a case file for the suspect, and an evidence board.

Locations: We will most likely be filming mainly at our school. It has a lot of the setting we prefer and it will be more convenient for us. We will be using grey chairs and tables with white walls to keep the setting monotone. Giving the film a cold aura will most likely add to the mystery we will try to recreate.

Dates & Times: We will mostly begin filming on February 5th around 7 AM.

Scripts: The script will include quite a bit of dialogue between the detectives and the suspect during the interrogation scene. We will also most likely have a voice over for the crime scene so we would need to include dialogue for that.

Film Equipment: We will be using Madison's iPhone 11 to film our film opening.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Brainstorming Summary

      The close ups of the different items such as the shoes and the backpack were really cool, it gave a sense of preparation and also told the audience what the 'character' was about to do. The fact the music got quieter when the camera shifted to a different 'character' allowed us to make the assumption that the music we are hearing is in the 'character's' headphones which created a cool effect. The extreme close up shot at the very end allowed us to see the character's face clearly, the fact they were so calm and emotionless while staring at each other created suspense which left the viewer wondering how they know each other and what will happen next.

      The over the shoulder shot of the hooded figure created a sense of suspense right off the bat, we could see what the person was doing on their phone but we did not know who it was. The music suited this clip very well. The contrast between clips of the girl in the past when she was free and the present when she was in a cage highlight the drastic change in her situation.

      The film opening starts with a close up shot of water, followed by an establishing shot of a brook. This set the scene for the film and highlighted the peaceful nature of where they were. The music chosen also went well with the tranquil atmosphere being created. The voice over used is a really effective way of explaining the situation in a subtle manner. By ending the opening halfway through the character's sentence, the students not only created anticipation within the audience but also effectively set the plot for the rest of the film.

      The beginning of this film opening was slightly confusing since there was no real explanation of the events that were going on. The rest of the clips were extremely action packed which led me to believe that it was supposed to be an action/adventure genre. The close up shots of the car lights and the dashboard were also very cool, the follow shots of the car driving on the highway also added to the genre. The end was kind of confusing.

     The opening started with a voice over which sparked a bit of interest at first, unfortunately due to the lack of realism in the 'actor's' performance the opening lost its momentum rapidly. The close up shot of Kane's face did create a very creepy atmosphere due to his eerie expression coupled with the music. Unfortunately the contrast between the volume of the music and the character's voice made it all too unrealistic which made the performance lose its effect.

     The beginning of this opening did a good job at providing enough background information to set the overall plot for the rest of the film without giving too much of the story away. The high key lighting set the mood for the rest of the opening which went well with the positive tone trying to be conveyed through the character's hopeful singing. The drawing at the very end seemed to be a symbol for something important in the story, hence the title.

     All of the shots in this film opening were very high definition and of good quality, it made it seem like a professional film rather than one conducted by high school students. The music went well with what was being shown to the viewer and when combined both set a very suspenseful mood. They did really well at explaining the main idea of the story while still leaving some things up to the viewers imagination, which can be assumed will be revealed further in the film.

     The beginning was very long and dragged out, the overbearing silence at the beginning kind of made it difficult to sit through. The sound effects and music were also not effectively added to the story. Not to mention that if all she heard were pictures being taken suspiciously one morning then there is nothing that could be written in the note she found that should cause her to react the way she did, especially since she didn't have any real suspicions. It all just comes off as very unrealistic. More knowledge on how to develop the opening would have made it more appealing.

     Although the shots in the film were visually aesthetic and worked well with the music being used, there was no real explanation or hint as to what the plot of the film might be. This made it difficult to see the genre they were trying to recreate. Despite this, they did do an effective job as setting a very calm and peaceful atmosphere.

     Although the film techniques, animation, and music worked well together as a whole there was no real plot set up. It's not clear to the viewer what story is being told or what the main conflict of the film will be.

     The most important aspect in the making of a film opening is setting up a clear plot or story that will develop as the film goes on. I found that even if one uses good camera shots and techniques accompanied with appropriate music and sound when there is no distinct story line it distracts from all of the good things about the opening which lessens its effectiveness. I found that the right lighting and  music at the appropriate volume really makes or breaks the scene. If used constructively, they really are what sets the mood and tone of a scene. I think that if my partner and I can find a way to constructively use all these aspects and make sure that the viewer can understand the story then we will be able to make a successful film opening. 

Friday, January 24, 2020

Story Boarding


     My partner and I decided to begin the opening with a close up shot of the folder with the case information in it, we would then pan out to an over the shoulder shot of one of the detectives reading the file. In our second scene the second detective walks in and analyzes the evidence and research they have so far while the first detective overlooks the case file. Then we cut to the questioning room where one of the detectives will be grilling the suspect, we'll do an extreme close up shot of the suspect in order to showcase their distress. While the detective is talking there will be a flashback to the scene of the crime in which we will use non-diegetic music as well as a voice over of the detective explaining the evidence. Then the next scene will be back in the present in which the detective presents the suspect with incriminating evidence. The suspect denies the accusations, then in the following scene the detective realizes the evidence does not incriminate the suspect at all. The overall plot of our film is a murder investigation being led by the two worst detectives in the precinct, and although they experience many wacky misadventure throughout their journey they somehow miraculously solve the mystery in the end. Madison and I worked together in coming up with the various scenes shown in the opening of our film, we both also agreed upon various filming techniques we should use for each scene. Madison wrote the descriptions on the bottom of each scene and I drew the pictures depicting what we would be doing.

Creative Critical Reflection

Here is my link to my CCR, thank you for following me on this journey! Astrid's Creative Critical Response